How to group the suite in the Nunit Framework | Selenium C# Forum
Durga Ponnapalli Posted on 04/01/2019
Hi Gunjan,

I have built a POM with the data-driven framework, using NunitFramework, Now my question is for one of my application I created sanity and regression suite of 80-100 scripts. I have to group them and run( ex Add, create edit delete ), can you suggest me any attribute to use , so that whenever i call the group in the suite it should run without any dependency.

Please help 


gunjan Replied on 07/01/2019

You can use the 'Order' attribute for running (Add,create, edit and delete) one after the order and then group them using 'Category' attribute

Durga Ponnapalli Replied on 07/01/2019

Thanks for your response Gunjan!! It helped me in grouping the test scripts