Allure report is only explained on eclipse but not on pycharm.
Please help, I could not found same options that are shown in video for eclipse.
09914040666 Replied on 27/10/2020
In pycharm for every test configuration you have to follow the steps :
Step1 : Right click over the module name in the project explorer. You will find the option "Edit pytest in 'module_name'".
Step2 : Click on the option "Edit pytest in 'module_name'" and a window will open.
Step3 : In additional arguments, you have to pass the parameters which ever you want to separated by a blank space.
Step4 : Click apply and ok and run the test case again to see the changes and reports generated in the specified folder.
For reference screenshot is attached where parameters are added.
Steps to convert generated reports to HTML reports are same.
Note: Whenever you are worknig with PyCharm and using some external package like allure, you need to improt the package in the PyCharm setting as well.
For that steps are mentioned below :
Step 1 : Go to File < Settings.
Step 2 : A window will open in which your project name will be given, in that choose Python interpreter.
Step 3 : On the right hand side, a plus icon is displayed. click on that.
Step 4 : Choose the desired package and click on Install package.
Step 5 : Click on OK and close the window.
For reference screenshot is attached where parameters are added.
After doing this, run your script to see the reports.
okay Thanks
09914040666 Replied on 04/11/2020
Your welcome. Hope you were able to generate reports on PyCharm.