Hi Sejal, Riya,
There is a unexpected popup is appearing on my project , this is kind of radom popup.
Some times in Login screen it appears and after login also. This is kind of suery popup and after filling the 3 fileds then saying OK , it disppear.
How to handle this type of popup and can you please suggest how to write a function for this.
Note (I cant share the web url becouse it is hosted in locally )
Is the pop up appearing based on some pattern like after x, y,z pages randomly?
Is this pop-up a must to fill up each time appears or can be closed down as soon as it appears?
based on the behaviour, on which step it appears, a logic needs to be put in place to handle it.
Try running the flow manually for a few times to understand the behaviour of the pop-up. then the code to be implemented to deal with it.
Hi Sejal,
please see my comments inline below
1. Is the pop up appearing based on some pattern like after x, y,z pages randomly?
Yes it appears radomly @ only center of the screen , when it appers the backgroud screen will get disabled. After filling the suery fields and saying ok It disappeaars
Hi Sejal,
please see my comments inline below
1. Is the pop up appearing based on some pattern like after x, y,z pages randomly?
Yes it appears radomly @ only center of the screen , when it appers the backgroud screen will get disabled. After filling the suery fields and saying ok It disappeaars
Can you identify the pop up screen and build a logic like this
- check if the main screen is disabled
- if yes, swtich to pop
- fil in details and get done with pop up
- go back to main app flow
Hi Sejal ji,
please see my comments inline below.
1. Is the pop up appearing based on some pattern like after x, y,z pages randomly?
Yes it appears radomly at only center of the screen , when it appers the backgroud screen will get disabled. After filling the suery fields and saying ok It disappeaars
2. Is this pop-up a must to fill up each time appears or can be closed down as soon as it appears?
Yes this is a kind of survy pop up and it is mandetory to fill the suery.
Every time when i launch the driver this pop up appears at once in different pages. There a 12 Pages in my project and randomly it appear after login ,somtimes in the 5th or 6th page and last page.
I can t able to handle this pop up , can you please look into it.
Are you able to inspect the pop-up and write selenium wbdriver code to interact with it?
As per this - Note (I cant share the web url becouse it is hosted in locally )
Since I cannot view the screen , I have shared some logical steps to handle the issue.
See if this works.